Together in Europe and China joint development of the seven anniversary of China's packaging equipment group and the Heyuan European packaging exchange
Together in Europe and China common development
Seven anniversary of China's packaging equipment group and the Heyuan European packaging exchange
China packaging machinery and equipment of the group's annual meetings held a grand in the early autumn season, the seventh anniversary, we work together to meet in Heyuan, meet in Europe and China, "Hakka ancient town, green Heyuan" in the busy, after run, put aside the city's downtown, put down exhausted body, we gather together, meet in the Chinese ten big characteristics of Leisure City, a little rest, communicate with each other; stop, think together, sitting cross legged, fantasy; raised his glass and co v. happy; pick up the phone, sing for the future!
As organizers of this exchange, Europe and China Packaging honored, also shoulder the responsibility for all over the country packaging machinery and equipment professional elite services. Therefore, Europe and China Packaging collaborative group organizing committee for everyone in the organization to carry out a party of 1 night 2 days journey, from heroes gathered to side by side to play, from happy party to competitive sports, from the enterprise visits to exchange industry, a place, 1 AC, once visited, play 1 day, 1 night 2 days, 3 meetings..., we walked along the river, close to Europe and China, closer to each other.
Next we come together to review the little bit of the party, the European package to remind you, next year we have to gather together oh!
Day1 群英聚首-入場
Day1 群英聚首-簽名
Day1 群英聚首-簽到
Day1 群英聚首-初識交流
( 啤酒飲料礦泉水,瓜子花生八寶粥,來,帥哥腳放一下)
Day1 群英聚首-歡迎晚宴
Day1 群英聚首-晚宴主持人入場
Day1 群英聚首-主辦方致辭
Day2 走訪歐華包裝-全家福
Day2 走訪歐華包裝-繼續簽名
Day2 走訪歐華包裝-參觀生產車間
Day2 體育競技活動-籃球友誼賽正式開始
Day2 體育競技活動-羽毛球友誼賽不甘示弱
Day2 行業交流會議-正式開始
Day2 行業交流會議-群主寧德松發表講話
Day2 行業交流會議-歐華包裝朱總發表講話
Day2 行業交流會議-各與會小組發言
Day2 行業交流會議-精彩瞬間1
Day2 行業交流會議-精彩瞬間2
Day2 行業交流會議-精彩瞬間3
Day2 行業交流會議-精彩瞬間4